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Writer's pictureJosh Nichols

How to Take Control of Your Own Improvement

Have you ever noticed how the best players seem to act the same no matter what event they're in, or how important the round is? That's most likely because they have trained themselves to have a process to go through, no matter what.

They are confident and can adapt to any new situation. That's because they've had a set process for more than just this tournament. They didn't just show up and try something new. They've been doing the same thing for weeks or months now. Maybe even years.

They have a routine they go through before and after rounds. They have a set warm-up routine that is purposefully planned out. They have a pre-shot routine that they do before every shot, and a post-shot routine as well. And they have an intentional way to evaluate their rounds, analyze their tournaments, and use that info to prepare for the next one.

If the best players do this then you should too.

So what could your routines look like? Something I've been introducing to some of my players is a cyclical process that helps them analyze their last performance, prepare for their next performance, perform, evaluate their performance, and then start that cycle over again. If you're always analyzing, preparing, performing, and evaluating, even if it's small 5 minute versions of each, you will never let something get you down, you will always be going forward not backward, and even when you start to slide backward you see it happening and can adjust as you go.

And then within each of those separate parts of the cycle is what is unique to you. And that's what the best players have done. They've implemented their own cyclical process to always be moving forward and improving.

Your progress doesn't have to be blind luck. You can take control of your journey of improvement.


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